We are champI4.0ns – and you can be too!
The Wood Industry– Opportunities and Challenges of the Data Use
The wood industry is in many respects an ideal application example for intelligent and sovereign data use. along the value chain In the course of the change towards a sustainableeconomic system theraw material wood and its efficient use profit increasingly ofimportance. The use of data offers countless opportunities – e.g. at the seamless Tracking of materials andproducts, in the best possible utilization of machinery and equipment or in the sustainable scrap reduction and transports. Companiesin the wood industry differentiate considerably with regard to the degree of digitization and sizewhich representsa challengebut creates on the otherside also a valuable basis for the transfer of approaches in other sectors.

champI4.0ns – an open Ecosystem
The champI4.0ns consortium attaches particular importance to using preliminary work from activities such as Data Market Austria in austria or ReCoNet in Germany to consider interfaces to current initiatives such as International DataSpaces, Gaia-X or the Big Data Value Association (BDVA), and to help shape future data serviceecosystems such as the Green Data Hub to play a central role. The consortium invites interested actorsto become part of the champI4.0ns-Community. Only the exchange between diverse actorslet us create an ecosystem for intelligent and sovereign data use, which offers added value for all.
Our goal
The overall objective of champI4.0ns is the (further) development of methods and tools which allows an intelligent and sovereign use of data in production and the clarification of the potentials of cross-company data use in production with the help of demonstrators.
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Are you interested in champI4.0ns news?
The bilateral lighthouse project champI4.0ns is jointly funded through the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, the Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) and the German Federal Ministry for Economy and Climate Protection (BMWK) (FFG grant number 891793). Over a term of four years and with a total volume of EUR 8,613,396 (or a subsidy amount of EUR 5,467,935) the consortium of 18 partners is working on sustainable innovation at the interface between the wood industry and data science. The project aims to make the added value tangible that the intelligent and sovereign use of data can bring to production– in the wood industry and beyond.
champI4.0ns would like to thank for the support: